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Patent Registration

A patent is an exclusive right granted to a person who invented a new and useful article or an improvement over an existing article. New invention in the field of art process, method or manner of manufacture, machinery, apparatuses produced by manufacturers are on increase and the inventors become very much interested that the invention done by them should not be infringed by anyone else by copying them or by adopting the methods used by them.

The registration of patent is very important for a person who invented a new article without registration a person cannot claim the benefits of its invention. For this various patent registration services are also providing their services at various places at various places. An application for patent may be made, either alone or jointly with another by the inventor, assignee, legal representative of the deceased inventor or assignee. The inventor is entitled to be mentioned in the application if the apply to do so. Some documents are also needed in the application for registration like:-
  1. Provisional complete specification in triplicate. If the provisional specification is filed it must be followed by complete specification within 12months.
  2. Abstract of the Invention.
  3. Priority Document.
  4. Fee in Cash

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Some other documents are also needed along with these important documents .An application for patent is to be filed according to the territorial limits where the applicant normally resides .The register of patents is to be kept in the patent office and its branch office. A Register of patent can be inspected and extract of it can be obtained afer the payment of prescribed fee. Patent registration services are having a great role in providing patent registration to the concerned persons .If you want to get your patent registration then 365companies can help you and solve all your queries.